HomeSite 4.5 Introduction
Course Specifications
Course number: HOM45-101
Course length: 1.0 day(s)
Course Description Overview:
This course is designed to introduce the student to the main functionalities of the HomeSite workspace environment.
Delivery method:
Instructor-led, group-paced, classroom-delivery learning model with structured hands-on activities.
Performance-Based Objectives:
Lesson objectives help students become comfortable with the course, and also provide a means to evaluate learning. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Identify the main parts of the HomeSite graphical user interface; and understand the purpose of the Editor window, the main menu, and the default toolbars.
- Understand the basic functionality of the Resource window and its six tabs; access several different components of the HomeSite help system.
- Create form objects in a near-WYSIWYG HTML editor; anticipate compatibility issues involved in importing MS Office documents into the WYSIWYG editing environment.
- Understand the basic functionality of HomeSite templates, wizards, and tag assistance features (the Tag Editor, Tag Insight, Tag Completion, Tag Chooser, and Tag Tree).
- Discuss HTML list tag structures; use list creation features.
- Employ different methods for inserting hyperlinks to other HTML documents and image files into a document.
- Employ methods to detect errors in HTML documents (link verification, code validation, color-scheme editing, and download time).
- Discuss issues pertaining to accessing an FTP server with HomeSite and uploading both individual HTML documents and Allaire projects (optional).
Course Content
Lesson 1: The HomeSite Graphical User Interface
- The Workspace
- The Editor Window
- Menus and Toolbars
Lesson 2: Using the Resource Window
- The Resource Window
- The Help System
Lesson 3: Using the WYSIWYG Interface
- Creating Forms in Design Mode
- Compatibility with MS Office
Lesson 4: Templates, Wizards, and Tag Assistance
- The Quick Start Wizard
- The Tag Editor
- Tag Insight and Tag Completion
- The Tag Chooser and Tag Tree
Lesson 5: Lists
- A General Introduction to HTML List Structures
- Quick List and the Quick Bar's List Tab
Lesson 6: Images and Links
- Inserting Images
- Inserting Hyperlinks
Lesson 7: Error Detection
- Validation Features
- Color Coding HTML Syntax
- Error Detection Features
Lesson 8: Web Publishing (optional)
- Web Publishing Overview